Do you have great ideas, and love to write about them, but just can’t pull the post together to make it something that will draw people back in? Or maybe you can’t figure out when to put in colons or semicolons in your articles?
Don’t worry, we would love to help you.
We have set up pricing based on article length. If your article, or magazine is 2500 words or more, we will consider that pricing as a nonfiction or fiction manuscript.
Costs per word count
- 0 to 400 words: $20
- 401 to 600 words: $30
- 601 to 800 words: $35
- 801 to 1000 words: $45
- 1001 to 1200 words: $55
- 1201 to 1400 words: $65
- 1401 to 1600 words: $75
- 1601 to 1800 words: $85
- 1801 to 2000 words: $95
- 2001 to 2200 words: $105
- 2201 to 2500 words: $115
What Happens Next?
Read through our “About Us” so that you can get to know us as editors. If you think we are a good fit for you, then take the next step.
Fill out the contact form.
We will respond by email asking for a sample of your article and/or blogpost. We do this to verify that we will be a good fit for your editing needs.
Once we accept your manuscript to edit, we will call you or email you to discuss what type of editing needs you have.
We will make up a contract with pricing for you to approve by email.
Once approved and digitally signed, we require a 25% deposit before we can begin working on your manuscript.
The balance of the fee will be due when our edit is complete. All of this will be written up in the contract.